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Steve Boyd

Steve Boyd

I’m the Promotions Manager and “other duties as described” person for Virginia State Parks. I grew up in Northern Virginia at a time when we were all “free range children” and there were still plenty of trees and muck to play in and not so much pavement and concrete. I’ve spent most of my life jumping off and out of things, climbing other things, racing just about anything with wheels and spending my life in about as freewheeling manner as possible during my 51 years on this planet. I honed my love of the outdoors with a stint in Boulder Colorado in the 90’s (yes, I’m old) doing all the fun things that the Rockies had to offer. I currently live in Richmond, which seriously reminds me a lot of life out west with its’ wide array of outdoor activities and brew pubs galore.

As far as I’m concerned I’ve got the best job in the joint. I spend a good chunk of my time promoting Virginia State Parks at festivals, conferences and trade shows and at other times can be found hanging around the kayaker/mountain biker/hiker crowd plotting adventure events across the state. I also do a lot of work with communities, schools, private partnerships, etc. in an effort to get folks out to the parks. The “and other duties” part of my job can be just about anything and is only limited by our Director’s imagination.

At home I’ve got a loving wife who graciously indulges my outdoor equipment and motorcycle binge purchases and a crazy two year old, very, very attentive, and always present Australian Shepherd that’s doing her best to play me into shape. Currently I’m trying to prove to myself that I’m not too old and beat up to do the mountain bike thing (sorry, I grew up a roadie) with very mixed results. We’ll see how it goes.

If you’ve got an idea for an event in our parks or would like to partner with us to get folks outside to play, please give me a shout. Virginia State Parks and I would be happy to help in any way we can.

See you on the trail.

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